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Master of Laws in Law and Entrepreneurship (LAW-LLM-LE)

Master of Laws in Law and Entrepreneurship

Program Code: LAW-LLM-LE
Degree Designation: Master of Laws
Department: School of Law

Program Summary

LLM in Law and Entrepreneurship

The Law and Entrepreneurship LLM Program is a one-year advanced legal studies program designed for students who have already earned their JD degree and want to be entrepreneurial lawyers. It provides students with a deep immersion in certain fields of business study from the perspective of a lawyer. Core courses in intellectual property, law and entrepreneurship, venture capital, and private investment help students acquire a deeper understanding of the applicable substantive law and the professional skills needed to lawyer effectively in an entrepreneurial context.

The program emphasizes the development of professional skills in a hands-on setting. To that end, the program includes a practicum placement in a startup company, venture capital firm, regulatory agency, or similar organization. By combining rigorous coursework with experiential learning, the program provides students with a deep understanding of entrepreneurship and its relationship to law; the business, institutional, and strategic considerations applicable to entrepreneurs; and the public policy and legal frameworks that promote innovation. The program also ensures that students master both the core substantive law and the lawyering skills that are necessary for effective representation of entrepreneurs and provides students with an opportunity to explore their own potential for entrepreneurship.

Many students who apply to this program have practiced law for several years and wish to focus their practice on entrepreneurial ventures. Admission to the LLM in law and entrepreneurship is a separate process from that of other Duke Law degrees.

JD/LLM in Law and Entrepreneurship

The JD/LLM in law and entrepreneurship allows students to earn both the JD and LLM degrees in three years, with a summer of additional coursework. More information is available on the Juris Doctor program page.